In this episode, Geri shares how she was an overfunctioner for many years. When we overfuction, we do for others what they can and should do for themselves. It prevents people, including themselves, from growing up.
✅ FREE PREVIEW: Download and Watch Session One of the Emotionally Healthy Relationships Course --- https://www.emotionallyhealthy.org/preview
Many Christians do not know what to do with their emotions. When sadness, anger, or disappointment surface in our souls, we avoid them rather than see them as gifts. As a result, we are rarely present with God or with others.
The truth is that emotions never die. They are only buried alive. They always resurface, leaking into other parts of our lives and relationships.
It took God's work to change this in Geri Scazzero's life and marriage. When Geri and her husband discovered the permission to explore their emotional lives, it was like opening up a dam for the first time. The world went from black and white to color almost overnight.
In part five of this series, Geri Scazzero is joined by her husband Pete to explore the 8 essential relationship skills everyone must adopt in order to cultivate emotionally healthy relationships.
✅ How Emotionally Healthy Are You?: Take the Free Assessment to Discover if You Are an Emotional Infant, Adolescent, Teenager, or Adult --- https://www.emotionallyhealthy.org/mature
✅ FREE DOWNLOAD: Access the "Community Temperature Reading" Video and PDF for free --- https://www.emotionallyhealthy.org/community
To cultivate healthy relationships, everyone around you must feel empowered to communicate clearly and honestly.
In part one of this series, Geri Scazzero is joined by her husband Pete, to explore the first of 8 essential relationship skills every leader must adopt in order to unleash the God-given voice of our people.
Together, they'll model a powerful skill called "Community Temperature Reading" and talk about how it applies to relationships in leadership and life.
Without this skill, people feel silenced - unable to speak truth and creating the conditions for an environment of frustration, resentment, and judgement.
Imagine leading a church where every staff, leader, and volunteer knows how to communicate clearly. Imagine a culture, where everyone feels safe to tell the truth and has the skills needed to do so. Imagine the unity that is possible when every voice is heard.
✅ How Emotionally Healthy Are You?: Take a Free Assessment to Discover if You Are an Emotional Infant, Adolescent, Teenager, or Adult --- https://www.emotionallyhealthy.org/mature
In this final episode, Geri invites her listeners to be the unique person God has crafted each one to be. When you discover your integrity, listen to your inner rhythms, set boundaries, and let go, you enter into the joy of your own beautifully God-given life, where you now carry out your own God-given "sealed orders."
In this episode, Geri encourages her listeners to bust through the wall of faulty thinking. The false stories we tell ourselves about our circumstances and others around us have an enormous impact on our feelings and how we live as followers of Christ. Listen as Geri shares how quitting faulty thinking will lead to freely experiencing a life led by the nudge of the Holy Spirit.
In this episode, Geri shares how she was an overfunctioner for many years. When we overfuction, we do for others what they can and should do for themselves. It prevents people, including themselves, from growing up.
In this episode, Geri shares how when we quit blaming and utilize our God-given personal freedom, our sense of helplessness evaporates. We realize we are not responsible for other people's choices; they are. We can't change others, but we can change ourselves - with God's grace.
In this episode, Geri shares how in her past she denied her feelings of sadness, anger, and fear since she thought it was the “good Christian” thing to do. This denial only led to physical and emotional stress. Discover how you can grow a more mature and healthy life - emotionally, physically, and spiritually by owning your feelings and prevent from projecting your negative emotions on to others in poisonous ways.